Shipping and Delivery
Products are shipped from our warehouse Adidev Organics in Chandigarh by reputed courier agencies. Ordered products can be delivered to your destination within 3-7 working days. However, the delivery process may take 10-12 days to complete in the locations that come in a difficult coverage zone.
Process of shipping
After the order is placed, pick-up is scheduled for the next process; it almost takes 24 hours, or 1-2 days in some scenarios. We do not ship any products on Sundays and public holidays.
After shipping, the customer will be provided with a tracking link via SMS or email at the phone number and email address he/she used to place the order.
Once the product is shipped, it takes at least 5-7 days to get the product delivered to the customer’s address, from the day of placing the order, and mostly depends on the customer’s location. So, in such cases, we request our customers to wait for a few more days.
If it exceeds this period, you can contact Ayuugain through mail/call/live chat support for guidance and help regarding product delivery.
Shipment speed
Return, Refund, and Exchange Policy
At Ayuugain, we continuously endeavor to provide you with the best and easiest shopping experience. However, Ayuugain is not responsible for returning used products or products with tampering, if the return or exchange request is made outside the given period.
Adidev Organics (Ayuugain) is not responsible for any damage caused after product delivery.Â
In the situation of any problem or quality issue associated with the delivered product, you can contact our customer care service team at +91-7719716161 or email us at within 2-3 days of the product delivery.
Ayuugain utilizes high-performance ayurvedic formulations of ancient remedies to seamlessly blend the time-tested wisdom of traditional healing with cutting-edge science
Ayuugain is India’s leading online Ayurvedic store that offers Ayurvedic products for joint care, multivitamins, Mind Boosters, and Tummy Care products. Ayuugain by Adidev Organics is involved in traditional Ayurvedic remedies in India. Recently, traditional medical systems such as Ayurveda have gained popularity worldwide. This is due to the resurgence of ethnic cultures around the globe in lifestyle and religious beliefs.
DISCLAIMER: These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.