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Joint Pain- Causes, Symptoms & Remedies

Several bones are present in our body, connected to each other directly or indirectly. The directly connected bones are immovable and offer no degrees of locomotion. On the other hand, the indirectly connected bones are movable, thanks to the various types of joints that provide freedom of movement in a particular direction. Joints are of many kinds, like the pivot joint, synovial joints, and others. Due to these joints, you can move your body and locomote from one place to another. 

However, with age and abrasions, the joints lose their strength and become stiff. In some cases, these joints lose calcium or suffer from degenerative disease, and hence, they stop functioning correctly. Joint pains are widespread in today’s health industry, irrespective of age, gender, occupation, or other similar factors. This is why you should know the basics about joint pain so that no sooner you witness the symptoms than you visit a doctor for further diagnosis and treatment. 

What are the causes of joint pains?

Joint pains are caused due to several reasons, some related to the skeletal system, while the rest cause indirect pain. It is for this reason; it is essential that you learn about them so that you can know about the source of pain in the future. 


Most of the joints have cushion padding near the surface. They are even connected via tendons or ligaments. Sometimes, due to the increase of free radicals or any other component, the bone cells can swell up and form inflammations. This is one of the leading causes of joint pains, especially knee and shoulder joints. 


Osteoporosis is a medical condition where the bone becomes weak and highly brittle. Over time, due to calcium deficiency, the bones become vulnerable and lose strength. A minor injury and they will easily snap or break. 


Another major cause of joint pain is injury. Sometimes, the collision with your joints becomes so complex and impactful that you will suffer the after-effects, even if it means the joints will start paining and aching after several years. Sometimes, bone injuries can cause permanent degenerative damage. 

Glucosamine deficiency

Glucosamine and chondroitin are the two most essential elements present in the synovial fluids, which act as the lubricating medium. However, if there is a deficiency, the synovial fluid will dry up, thereby causing osteoarthritis. 

How to identify the symptoms of joint pains?

Sometimes, the symptoms of joint pains are pretty prominent, and yet, due to the lack of knowledge, people ignore them. This further worsens the situation and causes more damage to the joints. So, here are some of the joint pain symptoms you should keep an eye on.

  • Joint locking and temporary immobility 
  • Limping 
  • Tenderness and swelling 
  • Redness with the area becoming warm
  • Loss of motion range of the joint 
  • Excessive stiffness

Top joint pain relief remedies

  1. Exercising and gym will help in maintaining the mobility of the joints. 
  2. Losing weight will reduce pressure on the lower backbone and the knee joints. 
  3. Taking proper calcium foods and supplements is necessary. 
  4. Physiotherapy is a quick remedy for lessening joint pains. 


Here, we have discussed almost all the essential facts you should know about joint pains and how you can identify them. These pains are inevitable because you will have to suffer from aches in your joints one way or the other. But, proper identification, timely diagnosis, and remedies will lessen the damage.