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How to Boost Your Sperm Count Naturally

Fertility is the capacity to reproduce without medical assistance. Infertility has been a major issue in men’s sexual health. It has several parameters that serve as indicators of good health, including a good sperm count, cholesterol, blood pressure weight/BMI, etc.

Fertility in men depends on the quality of the semen, which in turn determines the quality of sperm. Semen – a fluid produced by the male reproductive system and contains sperm cells capable of fertilizing the female eggs. Sperm count refers to the average number of sperm present in one sample of semen.

Sperm retention helps redirect sexual energies to other areas of life, or that it improves mental health and spiritual growth.

Is Semen Retention Good?

What is semen?

Semen is a liquid that has a whitish-gray color and is released from your penis, typically after an orgasm. It contains:

1. Sperm: They are reproductive cells. It looks like a tadpole. The head includes genetic material (DNA) which fertilizes an egg cell. The tail helps it swim through the female reproductive system to fertilize an egg cell.

2. Fluids: The fluids produced in your seminal vesicles are estimated to account for 50 to 80% of your semen’s volume. The purpose of these fluids is to keep sperm alive after they enter the vagina. The fluids carry fructose, which provides energy.

3. Proteins, vitamins, and minerals: These help fuel your sperm cells.

What is the Average sperm in ejaculation?

The normal volume varies from 1.5 to 5.0 milliliters per ejaculation. The sperm count varies from 20 to 150 million sperm per milliliter. At least 60% of the sperm should have a normal shape and show normal forward movement (motility).

What is sperm Count?

A sperm count is the number of sperm cells in a sample of semen, and it plays an important role in fertility.

What is a normal sperm count?

To have a child, sperm count is important. It varies from person to person. But it is categorized into three categories.

Normal Sperm count: An average sperm count ranges between 15 and 200 million sperm per milliliter (mL) of sperm.

Low Sperm count: It is less than 15 million sperm per milliliter or a million sperm per ejaculate. Oligospermia is a term used to describe a low sperm count.

High Sperm count: A high sperm count is more than 200 million sperm per millimeter.

A sperm analysis can help you determine your sperm count. 

What determines sperm health?

Sperm health is the most important factor when planning a baby. It depends upon various factors. These factors are:

# Quantity: It refers to how much milliliter of sperm is discharged in an ejaculate. A high quantity of sperm increases the chances of fertility, and there are many chances of healthy candidates available to fertilize the egg.

# Movement/Sperm motility: To reach an egg, sperm must be able to pass through the female reproductive tract or water. The movement of sperm is essential to fertilization and the success of conception.

# Structure (morphology): Sperm cells are divided into a head containing DNA, a midpiece, containing mitochondria, and a tail, providing motility. The acrosome is oval and somewhat flattened.

Ways to Boost Sperm Count Naturally

1. Get a Proper Diet:

Eating a healthy and balanced diet can help to boost your sperm naturally. Eating bright-colored vegetables helps improve the quality and quantity of sperm.

2. Regular Exercise:

Moderate physical activities such as yoga, running, and walking can increase powerful antioxidant enzymes, which can help protect sperm. Exercising promotes your heart pumping and helps improve your oxygen level to all your body parts. Good Blood circulation helps to maintain your heart & body health healthy. Directly and indirectly, any physical activity can help improve your sperm.

3. Better Sleep & Manage Stress:

If you are stressed, you can not get sleep properly. It means your body’s hormonal balance is disturbed, affecting your sperm quality. So get a better sleep and live a stress-free life. 

4. Weight Management:

Weight negatively affects your semen. As your body mass increases, It decreases your sperm quality and counts as well. 

5. Avoid Harmful Substances: 

Consumption of harmful substances such as excess alcohol, smoke, tobacco, illicit drugs, etc increases the toxicity to your body, which directly affects your sperm count and also affects your health negatively. Use detox water and other remedies to remove toxins from your body.

6. Excess body Heat:

Heat stress damages human sperm by reducing sperm motility and viability. Each 1°C increase in testicular temperature leads to a 14% decrease in spermatogenesis. So try to keep your body cool in summer and also avoid the excess quantity of dry fruits. Because most of the dry fruits taser is hot that directly affects your sperm. It also leads to other health problems.

7. Wear Loose undergarments:

Your undergarments also affect your sperm and their counts. Tight undies can increase the temperature of your testicles which may affect your quality of sperm. Tight underwear also leads to other health problems, sometimes it causes major infections. So use comfortable undies and change/off your undies when come back from the office/work. Use a loose boxer so that your testicles can breathe the rest of the day.

Another Alternative method to increase your sperm count naturally

* Semen Retention

It is one of the best techniques to increase sperm count and quality. If you ejaculate for a long time, that helps promote your testicle and body health. 

* Semen Examination

The semen analysis evaluates sperm counts, motility, morphology, and more. It can be a fertility test or confirmation of a successful vasectomy. Provide a clean sample following your healthcare provider’s instructions for accurate results. Semen Analysis helps to know about the Semen and their health. You can take a further step.  

* Use of Ayurvedic multivitamins/supplements

Intake of Ayurvedic supplements can help to boost your sperm count and quality. These multivitamins directly and indirectly promote your health. If you are healthy, then automatically produce healthy semen, which is necessary for a convenient pregnancy.

* Doctor Advice

If you have been trying for a long time for a baby, but have not been successful in your mission, then the couple should consult a doctor.

Final Words

Infertility or low sperm count is the most common in the world. This is happening due to poor eating patterns and lifestyles.  

If someone suffers from infertility, then no need to worry, first of all, consult with a doctor, they will better you. Secondly, focus on activities that support your health. And thirdly strong you and your partner mentally. 

If you are positive mentally, physically, and spiritually, that helps to fight your infertility. 

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