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Why Should You Prefer Ayurvedic Hair Oil Over Minoxidil?

Why Should You Prefer Ayurvedic Hair Oil Over Minoxidil

Are you struggling with a hair fall and wondering if there’s a natural solution to this? However, there are many modern solutions, like minoxidil, which are expensive and have side effects too. In this blog, let’s talk about ayurvedic hair oil- natural alternatives to minoxidil and other solutions. 

Hair loss is a real-life problem affecting millions of people, leading to stress and a loss of confidence. Modern life has certainly brought several benefits, but there are a few side effects too, and hair loss is one of them. Hair loss can be due to heredity, hormonal changes, medical conditions, stress, thyroid disorders, or simply a normal part of aging. While minoxidil is a popular solution, it comes with potential side effects too. Fortunately, Ayurveda offers natural and effective alternatives that can promote hair health without the risks. Let’s dive into how Ayurveda can be a natural cure for your hair health.

What is Minoxidil and How Does it Work?

Minoxidil (C9H15N5O), initially developed as an oral medication for high blood pressure, was serendipitously discovered to have hair growth-promoting properties when applied topically. It is now primarily used in the form of a topical solution or foam to treat hair loss. Available over-the-counter, Minoxidil is applied directly to the scalp, where it works by dilating blood vessels. This action increases blood flow to the hair follicles (opening on the surface of the skin through which hair grows), which can stimulate hair growth and prevent further hair loss in some individuals.

Minoxidil is available in various strengths, typically ranging from 2% to 5%, and it is recommended for both men and women experiencing hair thinning or baldness. However, like any medication, Minoxidil may have side effects such as scalp irritation or unwanted facial hair growth. Despite its effectiveness for many, some individuals seek natural alternatives due to concerns about long-term use and potential side effects.

Minoxidil Side Effects

1. Scalp Irritation and Itching

Many users experience itching or swelling in the scalp, especially after discontinuing the use of Minoxidil. This can be accompanied by general itching, irritation at the application site, and unwanted hair growth in other body areas.

2. Unwanted Facial Hair Growth (in Women)

Particularly for women, Minoxidil can sometimes lead to unwanted facial hair growth, which can be distressing for some users.

3. Dizziness and Rapid Heartbeat

Some individuals may experience dizziness or a rapid heartbeat as a result of using Minoxidil, especially when first starting the treatment.

4. Weight Gain

Although less common, weight gain has been reported as a side effect of Minoxidil use.

In addition to these common side effects, topical preparations containing alcohol and propylene glycol can dry the scalp, potentially leading to dandruff and contact dermatitis. Oral forms of Minoxidil may carry more severe risks, such as swelling of the face and extremities, rapid heartbeat, or lightheadedness. Rarely, cardiac lesions have been observed in laboratory animals treated with oral Minoxidil. Another extremely rare side effect, Pseudoacromegaly, has been reported with high doses of oral Minoxidil.

Understanding your Prakriti and Doshas for effective results:

The human body, according to Ayurveda, is divided into three basic groups known as doshas. Hair health is deeply connected to the balance of doshas. In —Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. This Balancing dosha offers natural alternatives that address the root causes of hair loss without any side effects. According to Ayurvedic principles, hair loss often reflects imbalances in the doshas.

1. Vata Dosha Imbalance

Vata consists mostly of the elements air and space (ether) and is described as cold, light, dry, rough, flowing, and spacious. Autumn, with its crisp, cold days, is associated with Vata. Those with a Vata dosha are usually slim, energetic, and creative, but can become easily distracted.

Vata imbalance can be caused by excessive stress, irregular eating habits, and insufficient sleep, leading to excessively dry, frizzy, and brittle hair, often accompanied by dandruff and split ends. Additionally, Vata-dominant individuals may experience digestive issues, poor circulation, and trouble sleeping, which can exacerbate hair problems.

2. Pitta Dosha Imbalance

Pitta is based on fire and water and is described as hot, light, sharp, oily, liquid, and mobile. Due to its sunny and hot days, summer is referred to as the Pitta season. People with Pitta are usually muscular, athletic, and strong leaders. Pitta imbalance can lead to thinning hair, premature greying, and a tendency towards scalp heat and inflammation.

Hair may take on a brownish hue, even if it’s not naturally brown. Factors such as excessive consumption of spicy and oily foods, prolonged exposure to the sun, and high levels of anger or frustration can exacerbate Pitta dosha. Pitta individuals may also experience acne, inflammation, and sensitivity to hot temperatures, which can affect hair health.

3. Kapha Dosha Imbalance

 Kapha is based on earth and water and can be described as steady, stable, heavy, slow, cold, and soft. Since various regions of the earth gradually emerge from hibernation, spring is referred to as the Kapha season. People with Kapha dosha are strong, thick-boned, and caring.

Imbalance in Kapha dosha manifests as excessively oily and thick hair, which can clog scalp follicles and contribute to hair fall. This can result from a sedentary lifestyle, overeating, and consuming heavy, oily foods, leading to excess oil production and hair follicle blockage. Kapha-dominant individuals may also experience weight gain, sluggishness, and a higher risk of respiratory issues, which can further impact hair health.

Ayurvedic Treatment for Hair Loss

Ayurvedic treatment focuses on re-balancing the doshas and rejuvenating hair health through natural therapies:

1. Shirodhara

This therapeutic procedure involves pouring warm oils over the forehead, promoting relaxation and improving scalp circulation crucial for hair growth.

2. Shiro Abhyanga

Massaging the scalp with oils like Bhringamalakadi Taila or Coconut oil, nourishes hair follicles, reduces heat in the scalp, and prevents premature greying.

3. Shirolepa

Applying herbal paste to help cool the scalp, addressing issues like dandruff, frizz, and hair fall while improving overall scalp health.

4. Nasya

Instilling medicated oils through the nasal passage aids in systemic detoxification, supporting hair growth and overall health.

Ayurvedic herbs such as Amla, Brahmi, and Bhringraj, along with natural cleansers like Shikakai and Aloe Vera, further enhance hair strength and vitality without the risk of adverse effects associated with synthetic treatments.

By understanding your dosha constitution and opting for Ayurvedic Treatment remedies, you can effectively manage hair loss naturally while promoting overall well-being. Ayurveda not only treats the symptoms but also addresses the underlying causes of hair loss. Making it a safe and sustainable alternative to Minoxidil.

Ayurveda remedies: Alternatives for Minoxidil

Ayurveda offers, several remedies that can help reduce hair fall. And promote regrowth without the side effects associated with Minoxidil. Here are some Ayurvedic substitutes for Minoxidil:

1. Bhringraj Oil

Bhringraj, known as the “King of Herbs,” is excellent for hair growth. It improves blood circulation to the scalp and nourishes hair follicles.

2. Amla (Indian Gooseberry)

Rich in Vitamin C, Amla strengthens hair and prevents premature greying. It also helps in improving scalp health and reducing hair fall.

3. Brahmi

Brahmi promotes hair growth by nourishing the roots. It also has a calming effect on the mind, reducing stress—a common cause of hair fall.

4. Neem

Neem has antibacterial properties that help maintain scalp health. It prevents dandruff and promotes stronger hair roots.

5. Ashwagandha

Ashwagandha helps in controlling stress, which is a significant factor in hair loss. It also improves blood circulation and nourishes hair follicles.

Another treatment, Factors to reduce Hairfall  

1. Hot Oil Treatments

Regular hot oil treatments with oils like coconut, sesame, or castor oil can strengthen hair and promote hair growth. Adding rosemary essential oil for hair benefits can also improve scalp health and hair thickness.

2. Diet and Supplements

For healthy hair, a well-balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals is essential. But which vitamin deficiency causes hair fall? Vitamins such as A, C, D, and E, along with iron, zinc, and omega-3 fatty acids, are crucial for hair growth. A deficiency in any of these nutrients can lead to hair loss. To cure this, consider incorporating a variety of nutrient-dense foods into your diet or taking supplements after consulting with a healthcare professional.

3. Stress Management 

Stress and hair fall are closely linked. Practices like yoga and meditation can help manage stress and improve overall hair health.

Comparing Minoxidil and Ayurvedic Alternatives

When it comes to tackling hair loss, finding the right treatment can be challenging, especially when weighing the pros and cons of each option. Minoxidil is a well-known and widely used solution, but it comes with potential side effects that can deter long-term use. On the other hand, Ayurvedic alternatives offer a natural, holistic approach to hair health, focusing on treating the root causes without adverse effects. While Minoxidil provides a faster solution, Ayurvedic processes work more slowly but with no side effects.


Ayurvedic Hair Oil: Ways to Make the Best Out of It?!

Which is the best Ayurvedic Hair Oil?

We have a better solution for your hair loss problem, ayurvedic hair oil. Ayurvedic hair oil is a mixture of all the natural herbs which help in promoting hair growth. The results of using ayurvedic hair oil are not at a very rapid pace but provide you with long-lasting results. Ayurvedic hair oil is composed of natural herbs, carefully selected by experts. These herbs are examined and passed through quality checks before processing them and formulated as Ayurvedic hair oil. Ayurveda has mentioned all the specific herbs and processes(Vidhi) to be followed while making the ayurvedic hair oil. You can oil your hair every day, but you don’t have to depend on it completely. 


There is no doubt that minoxidil will give you the desired result. But using it in the long run can cause a lot of problems and doesn’t provide long-lasting results. You should prefer a suitable Ayurvedic Hair oil for hair fall control. A suitable Ayurvedic hair oil might work slowly in comparison to minoxidil. But the outcome is surely better than any other topical medicine. 

AYUUGAIN has introduced two different hair oils, namely, AYURVEDIC HAIR OIL and ARGAN HAIR OIL WITH BIOTIN.  These hair oils are formulated with all the principles of Ayurveda. These hair oils contain natural herbs like Shikakai and Reetha which are also considered hair food. These ayurvedic hair oils not only prevent hair loss but also add a lustrous shine to your hair. 

If you are uneasy about your looks due to hair loss, then here’s the solution to end your worries. It’s time to ditch topical medications and switch to Ayurveda for healthier hair.

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